Real Experiences
I live in many dimensions and in every dimension,
I am an observer
I Observe
Experiences are stepping stones to souls real journey, the canvas of their journey and the anchor of faith. I believe that each one of us is entwined in the web of life and is an important part of the larger web that makes the universe. If one link lights up, the others light up automatically. You and me are an important link of a creation that is as unique as your existence and thus sharing observations is essential for evolution of human consciousness.
Those of you who are in their midlife like me know that at this stage of life, one becomes rather unwary of approvals and opinions. For me this phase started rather early in life, almost two decades before.
What seemed like a weird arrogant mindset to others was in my opinion a comfortable relationship with my mind and soul. Maybe because most of my life I have lived on multiple dimensions and in the world of my visions. Dreams have always been my portal of communication with a parallel world and my most potent learning platform. All my life only those closest to me have had the access to the world of my spiritual adventures. I was never eager to share it with the world in any case. The experiences have always been special and personal.
I would still not want to share the most personal experiences, but the time has come to share the authentic journey of a spiritual seeker trying to strike the balance between this world and the real world.
I'm not an enlightened yogi; rather, I'm a wanderer blessed with visions of past journeys and guided by unseen forces. Perhaps there are others who, like me, perceive life differently and recognise the lessons of the eternal journey from one lifetime to the next. Those who have felt the unseen gentle touch of supportive hands during tough times, heard guiding whispers, or witnessed the orchestrated coincidences in their lives as part of a divine plan.
Walking as an awakened spiritual traveller is rather lonely. The further you go on the upward spiral the lonelier the journey becomes. But on the hindsight, you start thriving on quality rather than quantity. You begin to value depth over breath. With time, the repetition of same lessons lessens, and self-reflections increases.
I want to share through my journey anecdotes of my personal experience of the shift that came in life when I started closing the human mindset and ignited the spiritual mindset.
To all believers and sceptics alike, I humbly invite you to join me on the spiritual odyssey of my life weekly on my blog, Dhī (Sanskrit: धी) a Sanskrit word meaning 'deep self reflection'.